Thursday 15 August 2013

How to get ahead financially

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Here is an interesting text that I want to share you from the original book HOW TO BECOME A MENTAL MILLIONAIRE.

To often a person may solicit advice on a thousand and one things without regard for accuracy of the information. Personal health issues such as diet, exercise and the newest fashion trend all account for many of the fads that cycle through society today. However, when it comes to finances, people often get very accurate and time-tested advice, but fail to use it. The distant future can make financial preparation and planning seem irrelevant to individuals that live in the here and now. This is a mistake that you can still correct if you follow this formula.

Give yourself a chance to warm up to the concepts, and then begin to follow the directives one at a time. Begin with making certain that you are paying yourself first from your earnings. A suggested amount to deposit into savings is 10% of your weekly salary. This amount is to be “untouchable” so that it can accrue earnings when deposited in a savings account or invested in a money market over a period of years. By paying yourself first, you are retaining a sizeable portion of your salary for use later in life. If you fail to do this, you are relying on luck, chance, good fortune, lottery winnings, inheritance, or other unlikely sources of revenue that seldom materialize in life.

It has been said that “Goals are dreams with feet,” and when it comes to savings, dreams without observable and measurable results are useless. By not paying yourself first, you leave your future livelihood to chance. This is not the methodology of becoming a Mental Millionaire. Mental Millionaires comprehend the success formulas and put them into practice. Understanding what is needed is the first step, but nothing happens until action is taken on what you know to be good for you. That dear reader is the very foundation of financial planning that will place you on the road to becoming a Mental Millionaire.

Our financial condition is a thought first, and then a reality. If we want to change our financial picture, we must first change our thoughts. If we choose to change our inner thoughts…our outer conditions must change.

Everyone in the world-for that matter, wants to have financial independence. We know that not everyone is
interested in money. However, as long as it takes money to buy the necessities of life, we must have it. It is perfectly alright to say you are not interested in money, but be careful or you will find that money is not in you either. It is a pity how many wonderful people there are who would like to do so much for mankind but have no money with which to do it. Money is essential in making this world a better place in which to live.
Money is like anything else. It can be used to do good things or it can be used to do bad things. If you choose to make good use of money…hurrah, it is good money! Do not say that money means nothing. It does. Anyone with a little common sense knows that! Choose to use it well and you will have no reason to feel bad towards money.
Too many people say that “money” that is the root of all evil.” Actually, it is the “love of money” that is the root of all evil. To put it bluntly, if a person wants money bad enough, he does not care what he does or how he does it in order to get it. This is when money becomes “evil money.” Money itself is not evil. It is the use of money, whether you choose it for good purpose or bad purpose that is the problem, not the money per se.

Here is a suggestion I made sometime ago which would eliminate once and for all the idea that money is evil. Money means “service.” If the electric company or gas company gives good service to their customers, they will make money. If, on the other hand, they render bad service, they won’t make money. If a doctor gives his patients good service, he makes money, for they will return to see him. If you give your employer good service, he will pay you; if no, he won’t.
It’s very clear to see that when we render good service, we will make lots of money and when we don’t, we make no money. It’s up to us to choose in which direction we want to go. It is true that you can give great service and not be paid for it. However, these cases are few and far between. When the world becomes spiritually minded, then and only then would the money stop being so important. So, for those of us who wish to bring about this beautiful spiritual world, let us render great service with or without money. When money loses its importance, the genuine service of man will endure.

I would like to clear up a very important point which may be confusing to some of my students. Many of you might say, “If I were not so ‘darned’ honest, I could get somewhere.” Allen in his book, As A Man Thinketh, says that a person does not succeed because he is dishonest, nor does a person fail because he is dishonest. The dishonest person succeeds because he is a hard worker, a schemer, a planner, a person with an insatiable desire to get ahead and make money. The honest person fails to succeed because he is not willing to work hard, is not a schemer, a planner, or possesses a strong desire to get ahead and make money. To assure myself that you understand Allen’s statements-that you firmly grind them in your minds-I want you to read this paragraph over again-again and again, if necessary.
For many years I labored under the idea that if one wanted to become financially independent, one had to first “be smart” and second “be a big money maker.” I have however; found that they are both untrue and unnecessary. I know, and so do you, that many people who have become wealthy and financially independent were not “smart” and not “big money makers.” Then you would ask, “How did they accomplish financial independence?” Well, here’s the outline of various steps necessary to bring financial growth and financial independence.

It doesn’t make any difference how much money you make. What makes the difference is how much you pay yourself. Suppose one man makes $100 a week (We will call him Brown) and another fellow (we will call him Smith) is making $50 a week. Brown doesn't pay himself anything-he lives up to the very last cent. Smith, on the other hand, pays himself at least $5 a week. Which of the two will be better off at the end of a year, 10 years and etc.? What a difference between the two men! In other words, Brown was actually working for nothing while Smith was making at least $5 a week-Smith was making more money than Brown.

This is easier said than done, I’ll help you this. When you have your money working for you, it is the same as having someone working for you. So, let’s see what you can do towards finding profitable employment for your money.
A very interesting woman told me the following story: Realizing that her husband would never be a big-money maker, she began to save every cent she could. Before too long, she went out and bought a house with the money had accumulated. It was a two-family house. This allowed her to rent the other half and still have money coming in. She lived upstairs and rented the downstairs. She continued to save and stint until she went out and bought another two-family house. With two rents coming in, it wasn't long before she had saved enough money to again go out and buy another two-family house. She went on to do that several times.


So many people who decide to become financially independent start out all right and then become confused in their very first experience. This results in their taking a loss, sometimes never recuperating from it, and remaining in “hot water” all of their lives. My mother used to say, don’t learn to shave your own beard, learn to shave on the other fellows beard.” Meaning-find out from the other fellow what to do and ask questions.

Sometime ago a very wealthy man told his story. He had been approached by his mother-in-law with an idea for a business that would be a sure money maker. He was asked to invest $50’000 in this enterprise for which he had no previous background or experience, and he did so. Two years later the business failed and he lost his $50,000 investment. After this happened, he stated, “I learned a very important lesson; that is, not to invest in a business in which I am not familiar.

It seems that almost everybody is looking for “easy money.” The result is that the crooked elements in life are always working out plans for just such “easy marks.” How many times has the Brooklyn Bridge been sold? How many times do you read in the papers of people who were sold smuggled diamonds, worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, for just a few thousand? Then these people find out that the diamonds are worthless!

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